theme this year adalah frozen. very the hot skrang tau si elsa ni. tengok khayra siap pakai crown haa. hehehe!
this was just a small event jek, invite family terdekat. sume orang pon had a great time, chit-chatting sambil tengok movie frozen heheh!
khayra of cos la the happiest person. bangun pagi tros tanye, where's my friends?'. bila bestfriend dia sampai jek, si zara, macam belangkas sudah.. tak kisah dah pasal orang lain. makan pon happy la kan sebab dapat eat all the sweet things. hishh. kalo tak birthday, jangan harap nak dapat kan? hehe..
anyway, mommy daddy adik love love you so much kakak. may you life full of happiness, love and good health. be a good daughter ok kakak. hugs and kisses.
just so you know, dia dah tido in her own bedroom dah (lol anak orang lain lama dah tido sendiri) hehe.. every night senang jek nak tido. baca bed time story, kasi susu then tros masuk lalaland. alhamdulillah.
Lots of love,