5th of September 2009.. i will never forget this date forever. it was the day that i found out that there is a tiny cute baby living inside of me.
i noticed that i missed my period last month. it was a good thing tho! last two weeks, my breast started to feel a bit sore, my appetite is unbelievably high and at times i am experiencing a pretty bad mood swing until now. pity zazi, my sayangness (^.^)
so yesterday evening, i decided to perform the pregnancy test as zazi was out to the gym. i didnt want him to see my disappointed face if the result is negative. turned out it was positive!!! i was jumping around like crazy woman! alhamdulillah, tersangat-sangat bersyukur kepada Allah kerana memberi aku peluang untuk menjadi seorang ibu. then, i waited for zazi to come home. i put the result on top of his laptop because i knew he will continue with work while i was cooking. once he looked at the result, he said, "b, ni ape maksudnye ni?". i was like buat bodoh, "maksud ape?" he stared at the result smiling. i never saw him smiling like that before. both of us were really happy and still couldn't believe the result in front of us.
after dinner, we went to the doctor, reconfirm the result. again, positive! we went back and told both of our parents. i asked my mom, "ibu happy tak?" and my mom said, "of coz la, ibu nak pegi bgtau ayah sambil melompat pasni!"
well, our new life has begun. from now on, i need to take a good care of myself. i really hope everything goes smoothly, insya Allah.....
2 comments on "Tears of Joy"
aku hepiii sgttttttt
x sabarrr nk tgu bln 5 taun dpn...
mesti cute mcm aku opss mcm ko ;)
tahnx da!
aku pun xsabar nk tgk fyha jr :)
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