auntie wani class teacher khayra. dia explain pasal progress khayra kat class camana. so far, for her age, results sume normal. dia kurang minat tang writing hehe. bila time menulis jek, kene duduk sebelah auntie, kalo tak dia dok borak dengan best friend dia, fahiqa.
one fine day,
m: khayra, if you play nice with adik, Allah gives you 10 pahala. nak tak?
k: nak!!
for a while, diorg main dengan amannya. suddenly,
k: mommy, where's Allah. i cannot see Allah pon (mind her english, she is still learning hehe)
m: Allah is everywhere. bla bla bla bla bla...
now, i am still trying to change myself in educate, nuture these two anak syurga. thanks to my hubster, he taught me a great way, how our prophet, nabi Muhammad, besarkan anak-anak cucu baginda. i really hope i have the strength to do so.
alhamdulillah, khayra dah bleh recite al-Fatihah, an-Nas, bacaan takbir, rukuk i'tidal, sujud. now tengah melancar doa iftitah. next year kite start practice solat dengan bacaan penuh yek khayra anak yang solehah (",)
p/s : salam ramadhan to all muslim. first time nak p terawih bawak anak-anak syurga ni. wish me luck!
Lots of love,
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