uuhh so excited. yela, last time masa khayra kitorg nak surprise. now bile nak tau sex of the baby, excited terlebih pulak! hehehe...
anyway, before i reveal the result, mummy nak story something. actually, mummy ada masalah dengan edd. since mummy dulu gugur then tros conceived (tak sempat nak cycle period), so mummy tak tau la nak kire camane kan. kononnya scan semalam dapat confirmkan edd la according to the size of the baby kan. selama 20 minggu ni, mummy dah scan 4 kali.
1st edd : 8/8 (anniversary tok naani & tok wan + tok ma & tok pa)
2nd edd : 3/8 (birth date auntie nadia)
3rd edd : 1/8 (birth date auntie anym)
4th edd : 6/8 (birth date auntie tina)
so kesimpulannya, doctor kata dia pick the first one which is 8/8 sebagai edd. reason, tak ingat (lol!) for me, mane-mane date pon ok aje, hehe.
masa scanning tu, baby ok. sihat alhamdulillah. berat dia 400gm. and it is a HE!! suke suke. tapi nanti mummy nak buat scan 4d, masa tu lagi bleh confirm kot. takut jugak kang rupe-rupenye jari dia ke kan, skali girl plak. but either way, i don't mind.
p/s : now bleh shortlisted nama. heheh!
Lots of love,
4 comments on "Jeng jeng jeng!"
Sama cam zuris,tak pernah nak ingat tarikh period. Sebab tu susah nak lekat lagi kot..huhuuu...
Yea...yeaaa...nak dapat sepasang juga!
slalunye kite jot down kt calender 1st day period. tp dh gugur pastu tros lekat kan, mane period sempat nk dtg. tu yg confius tu, nk kire start ari apa.
insha Allah sepasang lah kali ni. zuris cepat2 join. jgn miss tanda period okeh! :)
1st day period adalah 1st day ko gugur aritu..sbb awal lagi,selalu doc consider keguguran awal tu mcm period biase..so,ko akan ovulate juugak dalam 14-16 days after period..sbb tu conceived sblom next period..tu pengetahuan seposen dua aku sejak dua menjak blaja aliran biologi dulu hehe
like dat eh puan tina. aku kire blk mcm ko ajar tu, edd 29 jul. tq for the tips. tp skali dia xsabar mcm kakak dia kan, kluar 3 weeks early. huhu...
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