i just love watching movies. chic flick, romance, comedy, action, you name it. dulu masa sekolah, heboh cerita she's all that. gosh, i love that movie! since i am a daydreamer so sangat sesuai lah kan. hehe! in the same year came titanic plak. dah tergilekan leonardo. tadi berangan nak dengan freddie prince jr. hahaha! see how cheesy i was! hahaha...
year after year, banyak movie keluar and makin ramai la "my imaginary boyfriends"! hahahaha... as long as i am happy, who cares. then, start ada japanese drama every weekend. tak penah missed okeh! siap nanges sama-sama dengan my mom! hahahaha... pastu sibuk plak spanish drama. kali ni tengok aktress perempuan dia cantek-cantek (",)
anyway, a few years back, hit dengan movie twilight saga kan. seriously, i was like crazy woman yang sanggup carik novel dia from store to store sebab slalu sold out. you can asked my hubster if you don't believe me. hehehe. he has to follow me to find that book sampai dapat and kene blanja beli buku tu jugak! hahaha sian dia. lepas tengok twilight, tak sabar nak tengok new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn. and may i say, i am a bit disappointed with the movies (except twilight). i think the novels better kot. hurmmm....
edward cullen
my current obsession crite korea la plak. adoi, bleh lupe diri tengok diorg ni! tengok 4-5 kali pun tetap nanges. ape la mummy ni kan. time pregnant khayra pun layan crite korea, my girl. nasib khayra tak kluar rupe yoo rin plak ni. sian daddy kene teman mummy tengok korea hari-hari jugak (^.^)
gong chan (atas) and jin ho (bawah). pengsan!
p/s : we fall in love with the characters because in real life, there is no such thing as perfect man.
Lots of love,
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gong channnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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