from my point of view, reason sebab nak sekat piracy tu macam tak munasabah langsung. diorang kene understand what file sharing website is for. dalam tu bukannye setakat movie, album, tapi keje and assignment pun ade. so it is unfair to public if they did this move. lagipun, kalo perhatikan, movie and album artis luar yang banyak dalam file tu pun. yang diorang nak takut sangat pehal? yang banyak piracy kat tepi jalan tu tak de plak kene apa-apa. takat buat rush, rampas, esok-esok tokeh dia buat balik so macam tak de kesudahan pun. huhh! marah ni sebab tak leh tengok movie yang mummy missed nih! ehem ehem international punye bukan local ehem ehem.
dalam facebook, mummy like kat page ni. lawak-lawak diorang tulis. gelak mummy baca. but they got the point. pesal porno website tak di block? itu dah sah-sah la illegal kan. pastu nak banding movie local dengan international, nape kite lagi suke yang international? sebab ade quality and original, tak de tiru-tiru punye. skrang ni, sorang buat crite hantu, dah sume nak buat crite hantu. hadoi! tolong laa eh, sape la nak bazir duit beli original kalo crite ntahape. tapi macam mummy, mummy suke dengan afdlin shauki punye keje. and bile kite suke, we tend to but the original and support him! siap pegi tengok teater lagi crite "cuci the musical" tu. see?? kalo hasil kau bagus, orang akan sanggup support kau lah! macam siti nurhaliza for example, knape dia bleh success? she made good music! thus, peminat beli album dia. duhhh! tolong la jangan cakap alasan piracy kalo album or movie kau tak laku.
now, just wait and see la ape lagi diorang nak buat. para hackers pun tengah galak menghack. good luck guys! bukan menggalakkan, but macam crite "clash of the titan", somebody has to say enough is enough!
p/s : ingatkan internet has no boundaries tapi rupe-rupenye ade (*_*)
Lots of love,
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